December 2021 Member News
From the Executive's Desk
A couple of quick things – do not forget that Virginia passed the Insurance Data Security Act in 2020 that goes into effect on July 1, 2022. ALL insurance agencies, regardless of size or complexity, need to be in compliance. This may be technologically challenging for many agents, so we have reviewed several cyber security vendors and approved four for partnering with our members. If you would like that list, please let me know. This process can take from 4- 8 weeks, so please don’t wait until the last minute.
Our Convention Committee is thinking way outside the box, and next year’s convention will be unlike any you have attended. There will be a lot of energy, positive vibes and great information shared by successful agents from Virginia and beyond. Save the date: June 29 – 30th at Virginia Beach.
When it comes to insurance education, we ask that you always check with PIA first, as we offer a wealth of classes to help you meet your CE requirements or just to learn something new. We offer both webinar and in-person classes, so check out our schedule on our website
And finally, have a happy, joyous, peaceful holiday season. Stay safe and we will see you back here in January.
Kevin Kowar, CIC, AU
Association Executive, PIAVADC
YPC Gathers at Feed More
Over the course of two Fridays in November, eleven PIAVADC YPC members assisted in the production of more than 3,800 meals, as well as pre-Thanksgiving bread and dessert prep, at Feed More in Richmond. Feed More is Central Virginia's core hunger-relief organization: collecting, preparing, and distributing food to neighbors in need across 29 counties and five cities.
Thanks to the following professionals for donating their time:
Sheryl Chasse, PIAVADC YPC Coordinator
Jason Kilgo, YPC Chair
Raelyn Acosta
Lindsay Brookshire
Suter Easley
Gerald Hemphill
Lori Hemphill
Jenn Mann
Jacob Montague
Michael Paschal
Adam Winfree
Biennium Dates for Virginia Licensed Agents as of 1/1/2021
This Month's Articles for You
The PIAVADC office will be closed Friday, December 24 and Monday, December 27 for end-of-year holidays.
It will also be closed on Friday, December 31 for New Year's.
From PIA National
Introducing, The Agent Experience
As an insurance agent, relationships are at the core of what you do. PIA’s new program, The Agent Experience, was created to expand your views about building relationships in a virtual world. Take the Agency Experience self-assessment to see where you stand in terms of opportunity and how you operate. This program contains videos of agents’ real-life experiences, tip sheets, and a resource hub to help you build and grow relationships online.
Postings are free for PIAVADC members.
"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
Thomas Jefferson