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    Biennium, Updates, and What You Should Know



    Virginia resident agents must satisfy the Virginia CE requirements on or before their license expiration date (biennium) if they hold one or more of the following licenses:


    • Life and Annuities
    • Health
    • Personal Lines
    • Property and Casualty
    • Title


    • Life and Health
    • Property and Casualty
    SCC Logo

    To be in compliance:

    1. Complete the required number of Virginia-approved course credits on/before license expiration date.
    2. At least 3 credit hours must be Ethics.  *Ethics courses categorized as Other General Insurance (OGI) will not be applied to the Ethics requirement.


    • If an agent holds both a producer and a related consultant licenses, then one must only satisfy the requirements for one of those licenses in order to be in compliance.
    • Agents holding one license type, or holding both Life & Annuities and Health licenses, must complete 16 hours of CE.
    • Agents holding two or more license types must complete 24 hours our CE, with a minimum of 8 credit hours applicable to each license type held.

    *Agents selling Flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) must complete 3 hours Flood CE.

    Biennium Dates for Virginia Licensed Agents as of 1/1/2021

    • Odd Birth Year:  update is due every odd year by the end of your birthday month.
    • Even Birth Year:  update is due every even year by the end of your birthday month.
    Biennium Dates are Based on Birth Month and Year

    Earning/Updating your Designation

    PIAVADC Designation Programs
    CPIA Complete a 3-course Series (CPIA 1, CPIA 2, CPIA 3) within 3 years. Every year by the end of the month in which CPIA was earned Update is satisified with any CPIA course.
    CIC 5 CIC courses/exams within 5 calendar years following year in which first exam was passed Every year by end of birthday month Ruble and CRM courses also satisfy update.
    CISR 5 CISR courses/exams within 3 calendar years following year in which first exam was passed Every year by end of birthday month "CISR Elite" status is earned when completing 9 CISR courses/exams.
    CRM 5 CRM courses/exams within 5 calendar years following year in which first exam was passed Every year by end of birthday month Ruble and CIC courses also satisfy update.

    Updated CIC and CISR Testing Procedures

    Effective July 1, 2022 The National Alliance has updated testing procedures.


    All CIC tests will be administered electronically.  The test is available during an exam window of Monday 12:00am CST through Thursday 11:59pm CST of the week following the class.  Likewise, a test proctor is required; proctor rules will be provided at the class and can also be found at the button below.

    These test windows are the same for in-person, webinar, and *hybrid course formats.


    All CISR tests will be administered electronically.  The test window for both in-person and webinar classes is immediately following the class (including a 30-minute study window) through the following Thursday 11:59pm CST.  Those planning to test immediately following an in-person class will need to bring a laptop with which they will access the test, and course staff will serve as proctors.  Those planning to test later, after an in-person class, and webinar attendees must obtain proctors.  More information regarding proctors is available at the button below.

    *Hybrid Courses are in-person courses that offer a webinar attendance option.

    Instructors and students are in-person in a classroom setting.  Camera and audio setup allows the instructor and slides to provide a webinar experience for those who prefer to attend virtually.

    Interested in earning the CPIA designation?

    The AIMS Society's Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) Designation is the first-of-its kind, hands-on, how-to training. To earn the CPIA designation, candidates are required to participate in a series of three, one-day Insurance Success Seminars.  These Seminars are designed to enhance the ability of producers, sales support staff and company personnel to efficiently create and distribute effective insurance programs. Participants leave with ideas that will produce increased sales results immediately.

    • In order to earn your CPIA designation, you must complete all 3 seminars within three years from the date of the first course.
    • Courses may be taken in any order.
    • Those interested in earning CE or a CPIA update may also take any of the 3 core seminars.  Likewise, there are other CPIA courses available for such.  You must complete any CPIA course every year by the end of the month in which you earned your CPIA.

    CPIA 1 - Position for Success 

    Course objectives: During this program, participants are encouraged to focus on internal and external factors affecting the development of effective business development plans. Factors discussed include a review of the state of the insurance marketplace; analysis of competitive pressures; necessary insurance carrier underwriting criteria; and consumer expectations and understanding. Throughout each section of the workshop material, tips for preventing Errors & Omissions are highlighted and discussed.

    CPIA 2 - Implement for Success

    During this session participants will be provided with specific tools for analyzing consumer needs; will learn to utilize risk identification techniques to gather pertinent prospect information; will develop skills necessary to assimilate information gathered into a customized protection program; and will participate in exercises designed to promote effective delivery proven solutions.

    CPIA 3 - Sustain Success

    This program focuses on fulfilling the implied promises contained in the insuring agreement. Students will review methods of providing evidence of insurance coverage; will discuss policies and procedures for controlling E&O including policy review and delivery, endorsements, claims-processing, and handling of client complaints. This course includes a review of the Professional Expectations; the Law of Agency; and Legal and Ethical Standards.

    Additional CPIA Courses

    • Disaster and Business Continuity Planning
    • E&O Loss Control Program for Agencies
    • Agent's Guide to Understanding and Mitigating Cyber Exposures

    What is Online On-Demand?

    PIAVADC has partnered with ExamFX to offer online, anytime Pre-Licensing and continuing education training.

    What does this mean for you:

    • Training is available via recorded webinars so that you can arrange your education to accommodate your schedule.
    • As PIAVADC members, you are entitled to a reduced, negotiated rate.
    • In addition to in-person Pre-Licensing training, which PIAVADC will continue to offer, a webinar program is now also available.
    • Approved Virginia CE credit classes are available through this program as well (test required).

    How Can I get a Discount on my Utica E&O Policy?

    If you are a current Utica customer, you are eligible for a Utica E&O loss control discount.  The following courses qualify for a discount on your premium:

    • 3-hour E&O loss prevention seminar
    • Any CIC update for persons holding that designation in good standing
    • CIC Agency Management Seminar
    • CISR Agency Operations seminar
    • CPIA 1, 2, and 3 for persons holding that designation in good standing
    • CPIA An E&O Loss Control Program for All Agencies
    • CRM Principles of Risk Management seminar
    • FISCE (2023) All Things Ethics:  Agent Obligations, Standards, Authority and More
    • FISCE (2023) Certificates of Insurance and the Coverage Issues that Go with Them
    • Any other seminar approved by Utica Mutual for this credit.

    Who is Dr. William T. Hold?

    William T. Hold is the Co-Founder, Former President, and Executive Chairman of The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research.

    William T. Hold Seminars offer topics that expand and support the CISR and CSRM program curricula and take you further along your learning path.

    They underpin the basics and dig into specific insurance areas that advance your professional development.

    These seminars, named in Dr. William T. Hold’s honor, cover more than forty essential topics—personal lines, commercial lines, life and health, and risk management, plus specialty topics, such as Insuring “Toys” and Liquor Liability, and advanced topics, like EPL.

    Ruble FAQ's

    What's a Ruble?

    James K. Ruble Seminars are respected throughout the industry as cutting-edge and market-focused – offering a variety of specialty, advanced and high-interest topics.

    As a dues-paid designee, you expect superior content for your updates—and all of James K. Ruble content is superior! If you are looking to drill down into a specific topic, you will get the answers to all your tough questions. If you are a generalist, the seminars also cover a mix of session subjects on advanced coverages that are current and on trend.

    Does a Ruble qualify for my CE update?

    Once earning the CIC or CRM designation, you must take an update every year. Update options include any of the CIC, CRM, or Ruble courses (no testing).

    Likewise, those earning the CISR designation must also take an annual update. Options include a CISR course, but alternatively a CIC, CRM, or Ruble course (no testing), which will qualify for 2 years of CISR updates.

    Certified Risk Manager (CRM)

    Risk management is one of the many responsibilities of a variety of professionals, including accountants, attorneys, financial and insurance professionals, and specialists in loss control. If you are one of these practitioners, you may be ready to take courses or pursue your CRM designation.  You’ll benefit from attending CRM courses—gaining expertise and credibility with your organization and in the risk management community, if you:

    are a risk manager, financial or insurance professional, licensed agent, broker, accountant, or solicitor,

    have at least two years of full-time experience in the insurance industry or in risk management,

    have taken a CRM course through the UACRM program, or

    have served as a full-time risk management or insurance faculty member at an accredited college or university,

    In order to earn your CRM designation, you must complete the following courses within five years after passing the first test.

    Courses may be taken in any order but are recommended in the order below.

    • Principles of Risk Management
    • Control of Risk
    • Analysis of Risk
    • Financing of Risk
    • Practice of Risk Management

    Once earning your designation, you must take an update every year.  Update options include any of the CIC, CRM, or Ruble courses (no testing).


    • those with the CIC designation may use CRM courses as an update, and
    • those working towards earning their CIC designation may use one CRM course in place of one of the five required CIC courses.

    Why pursue your CRM?

    An internationally recognized risk management designation

    A comprehensive education in qualitative and quantitative tools

    The ability to identify and manage emerging and evolving risks

    Real-life examples and experiences shared by instructors who are active in the field

    Curriculum developed by practicing risk professionals and educators

    An instructive overview of the 5 steps of risk management—identification of exposures, analysis of risk, risk control techniques, financing of risk, and administration

    Put-it-to-use-now risk management skills and solutions

    Implementation of the universal application of risk management concepts

    Interested in Joining the Faculty?

    Have you ever been attending a class, whether in-person or webinar, and been thinking … I know this stuff … I could do this … I would present things this way ....

    Chances are that you are right!  In my position as Education Director for PIAVADC, I have found it amazing that most agents want to give back to the industry that has provided them with a living and a career in a field that many were unaware they even wanted.

    Sharing your knowledge with others is an amazing way to support and foster the insurance industry, and as time zips past, so do many new topics that peer agents want to know more about:  home sharing, Uber/Lyft/Door Dash (TNC), cyber, breweries, marijuana coverage, the basics of ethics - and so much more.

    Prior to the pandemic, I often found instructors in the classroom.  I was able to listen and watch students and get a feel for their interest.  With webinars, it has been very difficult, as I can’t see and hear you.

    So, I am putting this call to action out and hoping that some of you will accept the challenge.  Please let me know if you are interested in hearing more.  Together, we would identify the level of commitment you can make; maybe you are interested in instructing two classes/year?  Maybe more?  We would then work on topics that work best with your skill set and develop a plan together.

    Education is such a vital part of this industry and we want PIAVADC to have and be the best!

    Is CIC for Me?

    A CIC designation shows that you are one of the best educated insurance professionals serving your clients and the industry.  It is a sign of credibility and expertise that sets you apart from others in your industry.

    Agency/Company benefits include:

    1. Client protection and retention,
    2. Insight into reducing Errors & Omissions,
    3. Dependable technical knowledge and trusted expertise,
    4. Your growing book of business,
    5. A team member who can answer the challenging P&C questions.

    The CIC designation is recommended for:

    1. licensed agents, brokers, and adjusters,
    2. insurance professionals with at least two years of full-time insurance or risk management experience
    3. full-time insurance faculty members who have taught for at least two years at an accredited college or university.

    To earn the designation, individuals must successfully complete five CIC courses and pass five exams within five calendar years.  They must score 70% or better on the two-hour, essay style exam.

    After earning the CIC designation, no further examinations are required.  However, an annual update is required by your choice of courses:

    • James k. Ruble Seminar (National Alliance dues required)
    • CIC (Certified Insurance Counselor) course
    • CRM (Certified Risk Manager) course

    If you hold a CISR designation, a CIC course qualifies as your CISR update for two years.  You may also take the CIC course exam and begin your CIC journey.

    A Little History Behind Your NPN Number

    Years ago, in many states an agent’s license number was their social security number; any time an agent was required to provide their license number, they had no choice but to deliver their most private form of identification.

    The National Insurance Producer Registry was incorporated in 1996 as a non-profit affiliate to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. NIPR developed a Producer Database (PDB) which became a national database where state regulatory agencies can connect and store licensing information. A benefit of the PDB is the creation of a National Producer Number for licensed agents. Through the multi-state participation in the PDB, this number is linked to all applicable licenses an agent may have across the country and brings with it the benefit of a number that has no direct relationship to an agent’s license or social security number.

    NIPR Logo

    Processing Your CE

    Providers have ten days to process Virginia insurance continuing education completions.

    After successfully completing a course for Virginia insurance CE, credits are posted to a licensee's transcript.  It is recommended that transcripts be checked to ensure that all CE has been posted and all requirements met.

    The Virginia Insurance Continuing Education Board has the following requirements for resident agents:

    • 2+ license types - 24 CE, including 3 ethics/law/regulation and at least 8 CE applicable to each license type held.
    • 1 license type, or both Life & Annuities and Health licenses - 16 CE, including 3 ethics/law/regulation.
    • CE must be completed every 2-year license term prior to their license expiration date.
    VA Sic Semper Tyrannis

    The 411 on Exam Proctoring

    If you have need to online test for a CIC, CISR, or CRM course, then you are aware that you need to arrange an exam proctor.


    What is a proctor?

    A proctor is a disinterested third party who will monitor an exam by being present through its entirety.  A disinterested third party is someone with no direct business or family relationship to the participant.


    There are 3 options for choosing a proctor:

    #1 Utilize MonitorEdu as a virtual proctor.

    • A device in addition to the one used for the exam is required, as the proctor will observe you remotely via camera.
    • No appointment is necessary.
    • There is an $18 fee.

    #2 Utilize a “brick and mortar” testing location.  Often libraries, colleges, and learning centers offer this service.

    #3 An individual in a human resources or training role within your organization may proctor your exam.


    Testing Tips:

    • NEVER launch your exam without a proctor.  When you are ready, you will access your exam within your SCIC Learning Portal.
    • If testing for CIC or CRM, you must submit proctor information to SCIC PRIOR to the end of the course by logging into your SCIC account, selecting the “Course History” tab, locating your course, and selecting the “Proctor” button under the “Action” column.  There is a form to be completed and submitted, after which exam instructions and an access PIN will be emailed to your proctor.

    Ready to Retire?

    Agents who are retiring and not interested in keeping their license(s) must complete this form and submit it to the SCC.

    It is important to note that licenses will be cancelled, and the Bureau will notify companies with which the agent holds appointments of such.

    Agents who are CIC’s have the option to request Emeritus status with The National Alliance.  This status is available to CICs who are ready to retire, but not ready to give up the designation for which they worked so diligently and maintained for so many years.  CIC Emeritus status is maintained with annual dues payment and no annual update is required.  The CIC Emeritus status guidelines are:

    • Candidates must be retired from the insurance or risk management industry
    • years held designation plus age must equal 70 or greater, and
    • CICs must be dues-paid members in good standing.

    Questions about the Emeritus status, including how to apply, should be directed to Program Services at 800-633-2165.

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    Floodplain Education

    The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a Federal program, established by Congress in 1968, that allows property owners to purchase federally-backed flood insurance within communities that participate in the program.  In return for this insurance protection, participating communities implement floodplain measures to reduce flood risks to the new development.  Through this program, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and participating communities are able to reduce future flood losses.

    See additional information at the links below.

    Flood Schedule