Legislative Resources

Legislative Resources

PIA of VA & DC's Mission leads off with "providing effective representation." That means that a primary responsibility of the association is to provide members with a strong, unified voice and to maintain a leadership position with its statewide program of legislative and regulatory advocacy in the General Assembly in Richmond, and in coordinating legislative activities with the DCIF and other organizations at the DC Council in Washington. Not only does PIA of VA & DC staff work closely with PIA National lobbyists to maintain an effective presence in the halls of Congress, but we provide a concerted member representation in state and federal regulatory affairs. Since its earliest days, PIA of VA & DC has been speaking with one voice for its members across the Commonwealth and in DC and representing their best interests before legislative bodies, the Cabinet and with state regulatory bodies that apply laws that impact the daily operations of our member agencies.

Maintaining an effective working relationship with state Delegates and Senators, their staffs and the staffs of key committees, such as the respective Commerce and Labor committees, is a daily staff responsibility, not only during the legislative session, but throughout the year.

Regulatory advocacy is another core service that PIA of VA & DC provides. Working closely with the SCC's Bureau of Insurance staff and other agency personnel, PIA of VA & DC senior management, staff and committee volunteers continually monitor the development and progress of laws and regulations that affect insurance agents and companies statewide.

PIA Advocacy

This link connects PIA of VA & DC members to PIA's Advocacy Blog containing posts relating to federal legislation, federal regulatory activities and other national news in the commercial property/casualty insurance industry.