Certified Professional Insurance Agent


CPIA – Certified Professional Insurance Agent

The Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) Designation is the first-of-its kind, hands-on, how-to training. To earn the CPIA designation, candidates are required to participate in a series of three, one-day Insurance Success Seminars.  These Seminars are designed to enhance the ability of producers, sales support staff and company personnel to efficiently create and distribute effective insurance programs. Participants leave with ideas that will produce increased sales results immediately.

The Insurance Success Seminar training modules have been rated very highly by graduating producers and by participating company representatives. The format and nominal cost to attend each module have made them particularly useful and popular.

The CPIA Designation qualifies as an approved E&O Loss Control Seminar by Utica National Insurance

The designation does require an annual update. This update requirement can be satisfied through participation in any one of the three core Insurance Success seminars, participation in any one of the Advanced Insurance Success seminars, or by maintaining individual or group membership in AIMS.

Candidates have three years to complete the series of three Insurance Success Seminars.

Upon completion of the series, candidates will be awarded the CPIA designation.

Candidates are notified of their eligibility by email from the AIMS Society.

Diplomas are prepared on a quarterly basis.

The designation does require an annual update. This update requirement can be satisfied through:

participation in any one of the three core Insurance Success seminars

participation in any one of the Advanced Insurance Success seminars

maintaining individual or group membership in AIMS

CPIA Course Options